10. What is Fairy Dust ($FD)?
Fairy Dust or $FD token is the main currency of the CryptoFairies platform. $FD coins are used for settlements between the platform participants.
FD token is the main in-game token used in the main mechanics and transactions of the gaming platform. Users apply it in commercial exchange.
  • Minting and buying in-game NFTs (10-20% discount when minting and gas are paid in $FD).
  • Commission of up to 2% from the transactions of CF gaming mechanics.
  • Payment of rewards (including via the farming pools).
  • Players need the tokens to participate INO and IMO, as well as for secured allocations when new series of in-game CF NFTs are issued.
  • Teams, players and entrepreneurs need the token to create chargeable quests within the locations.
  • Teams, players and entrepreneurs need the token to complete chargeable quests.
  • GameFi teams and entrepreneurs need the token to launch locations and use CF interface.
  • GameFi teams and entrepreneurs need the token to buy or rent lands for locations.
  • $FD is a speculative stock token.
  • Stacking and farming.
  • Liquidity mining.
  • Token will be charged for boosting and cross breeding (Episode 2).

Users get Fairy Dust for completing quests. Location and quest owners earn $FD for providing players access to quests, as a commission for quests completed by users, as well as for selling NFTs.

Fairy Dust can be exchanged for stablecoins, pulled into fiat currency, invested in professional development at the CF site, or used to generate passive income.

Use $FD to advance in the game:
  • open new levels,
  • unlock closed locations and quests,
  • buy unique NFTs.

$FD tokens owners will have even more opportunities as the platform advances.

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