8. Quests. Completing
Quests are the main way for making profit at the CF platform. In the form of gaming tasks, companies give freelancers work, pitch projects to the audience, and build interaction between team members. After completing a quest, a user receives a reward set by the location administrators: $FD coins, prizes, NFTs, or other bonuses.

How to Find a Quest
Click the "Quests" button in the side menu to view all the quests posted at the platform.
Use filters to select a specific category of quests.
  • All — all quests of the CF platform are displayed.
  • Created by me — the quests that you created are displayed.
  • Active — started quests are displayed.
  • Additional sorting of quests by date or reward.
When viewing quests, you can use additional filters:
  • quest type — one-time or repeating;
  • time binding — with a timer, with a due date;
  • by hashtags of interests and talents;
  • by geolocation
  • display only legendary quests.

Tag the required parameters, enter hashtags and geolocation, choose and complete suitable quests. To find a quest by name, use the search bar.

Quests Cards and Description
On a quest card you can see:
  • picture of the quest;
  • location type icon;
  • a star marking legendary quest cards;
  • location name;
  • creation date;
  • quest name;
  • short description;
  • reward for completing a quest;
  • a button to read the full information;
  • a button to start a quest with additional conditions, for example, a fee for activating a quest.

Cards of the quests created by you have the edit and moderation buttons. In this case, the button to start the quest will be inactive.

Quests cards also display the status of completing tasks:
  • waiting for confirmation after submitting a request for completing;
  • quest in progress;
  • the quest is completed, the results are sent for verification;
  • the quest was not finished, the moderators sent comments and tips for the correct completion of the task;
  • quest completed, reward received.
Click on the quest card to open detailed information about the quest.
At a quest page you will see:
  • picture of the quest;
  • the icon of the minimum player status required to take the quest;
  • a star marking legendary gainful quests;
  • location name;
  • creation date;
  • quest name;
  • short and detailed description;
  • the amount of remuneration;
  • instructions for completing a quest — available after taking the quest;
  • skills hashtags;
  • "Start the quest" button.

Legendary quests are paid in USDT. After completing a task, a user receives $FD tokens, submits a request for an exchange and receives USDT. In most cases priority quests are tasks for the CF team members.

How to Complete a Quest

1) Make sure that all the conditions for gaining an access are met — you have the required status, there are enough funds on your balance.
2) Click the "Start the Quest" button.
3) Wait for the administrators to accept your request for completing the quest.
4) Carefully read the information about the quest and the instructions on completing.
5) Do the task as required. Pay attention to the deadlines. If you fail to complete the task within the specified time, the quest will close automatically.
6) Submit the results for verification through a special form. Attach links and images if necessary.
7) After examination, you will be notified about the successful quest completion or receive recommendations for improvement.
8) After the results are approved, you will get a reward. $FD, prize or NFT will be credited to your CF wallet. You will also get points added to your skill hashtags listed in the quest.

On the pages of active quests you will see the creators' contacts. If any questions arise during the quest completion, feel free to contact the quest owners or the CF platform administrators for help.