3. Personal Profile
Your profile is your avatar in the CF virtual world. Here you talk about your personal and professional qualities, goals and experience. Based on your account information, you will receive recommendations for development, proposals for cooperation and collaborations, find like-minded people and interesting projects.

Personal account consists of several sections.

Business Card

User's business card is opened by clicking on a profile picture.

In this section you can see:
  • player’s photo,
  • username,
  • status,
  • number of completed quests,
  • number of opened locations,
  • contacts in social networks,
  • brief information about the user.

The business card can be shared on social networks.

Also from this block you can switch to the profile editing mode.

Brief Information

Introduce yourself to other users in the section of general information.

  • Write your name.
  • Go public with your work and hobbies.
  • Enter your contact email and phone number.
  • Put the links to social networks.

You can change the information in profile editing mode. If you want to use a new email address, confirm the change via the letter sent to your previous email.

The user's business card is formed based on the provided general information.


In the personal profile editing mode, you can change the password to sign in to the platform.

  1. Click the "Change Password" button.
  2. Enter the old password, the new password and confirm it in the popping-up window.
  3. You will receive the email for changing your password. Follow the link to confirm your new password.

Gaming Statuses
This section displays cards with a brief description of the available gaming statuses. The cards of open levels have the "Information" button, the cards describing closed roles — the "Buy" button. Click on the card to expand the information.
In this section, you can change the level of access to the platform tools. Read more about the opportunities available for various statuses in the "Roles and Statuses" section.

Tips Banner
In the hints section, you will see recommendations for promotion on the CF platform. Follow the tips to upgrade your profile.
Recommendations for developing skills come in the form of quest cards. After completing the task, you will receive the next card and open up new opportunities.

Skills Hashtags

In the "Search for skills hashtags" field, enter your professional interests, specify the abilities you would like to develop, and also name the areas in which you are going to work.

Based on the hashtags set, you will receive hints about available quests, about locations where you can upgrade your talents and earn income. You will also receive notifications about changes in locations, new quests, as well as about all the events in projects and teams according to your hashtags.

You can always delete or add hashtags in profile editing mode.


Users show examples of their work In the portfolio section.

Upload photos and pictures in the "Media portfolio" field. Drag the file or click in the field and select the document from your device. The image will be added to your portfolio.

Pictures and photos are displayed in a reduced size. Click on an image to open it in full resolution.

In the "Links portfolio" field, add links to your works, as well as to portfolios collected on other sites.
Add or delete pictures and links at any time through the edit mode.

My Gaming Guild

This section displays an invitation to the user's gaming guild. Your friends will see the message inviting them to the CryptoFairies platform, a referral link for signing up, and also find out how many people have already joined your guild.

By clicking the "?" symbol you will go to the "Gaming Guild" section of the Platform Rules. When you click the "Share" button, a window for selecting a social network to send an invitation will pop up.
By default, the invitation contains standard text. In the profile editing mode, you can change the message and name of the referral link.

I want, I can, I do

In these fields, users share their plans, tasks, skills and experience. Add hashtags that reflect your professional aspirations, talents and knowledge, and describe the services you need. The information of the “I want, I can, I do” block helps users introduce themselves, show their expertise, find partners, and build P2P relationships within the platform.

Based on your hashtags, you will receive notifications about the status of other players with similar interests.

  • Notifications for hashtags "I want" come when another user has put the same hashtag in the "I can" or "I do" field. You will find performers, assistants, partners or mentors.
  • Notifications for "I can" hashtags come when another member of the platform puts the same hashtag in the "I want" and "I do" section. You can offer your services or help, as well as find a team.
  • Notifications for "I do" hashtags come when another user puts the same hashtag in the "I do" field. Associate with like-minded people, put together a team and share experience with colleagues.

You can always change information and hashtags in profile editing mode.