12. How to Improve Talents?
One of the CryptoFairies missions is to ensure its members' development and professional growth. On the CF platform, you can try yourself in various areas, discover new talents or upgrade your skills, and even master a new top requested specialty.

In personal profiles, users select the hashtags of interests and skills that they develop at the CF platform. When completing a quest, you earn not only Fairy Dust or NFTs, but also skill points.

In the quest description, the creators specify the talents that players will boost when solving the task. After the administrators accept the quest results, the points earned for each hashtag will appear next to the skills specified in your profile.
High skill scores in a personal profile give the user certain advantages.
  • Some quests are available for a limited number of participants. Requests from users with well-developed talents are approved in the first turn.
  • Entrepreneurs, team leaders and project managers pay attention to the applicant's professional skills. When you apply to participate in a project or to join a team, high skill scores will be an additional advantage.
  • You can send a link to your personal profile at the CF platform as a portfolio or CV. Improved specialist talents confirm your competencies.

In addition, platform participants can study at the Academy of Magic. The Academy of Magic is a location where you can learn a new profession, improve your skills, or replenish your knowledge base in relevant fields.

Earn, build connections and develop at the CF platform.
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