6. Gaming Locations. How to Join and Start Playing
Each location represents a separate project, business, community or team. Startupers and team leaders offer location participants to complete various tasks for a reward. By joining a location, you become a part of the community, participate in the development of an infant company, find colleagues, work, gain knowledge and earn Fairy Dust.

To start playing, open the locations page in the side menu.
How to Find a Location

Use the filter to find a specific location. Set up the filter to view locations by category, by date, by subscribes, by quests, by access level or by hashtags. Enter the name of a specific location in the search bar to find the desired page.
Categories of locations:
  1. All — all existing platform locations are displayed.
  2. I am a member — the locations you have joined are displayed.
  3. I'm in a team — the locations managed by you are displayed.
  4. Created by me — the locations created by you are displayed.

You can also sort locations by creation date, subscription and quests. If you choose to sort by date, new locations will be displayed first. When sorted by subscribes, on the top of the list you will see the locations in which you have recently been active. Sorting by quests allows you to view, first of all, locations with new tasks.
On the page of all locations, you can apply an additional filter. Set the parameters of the location you need:
  • type,
  • hashtags of interests and talents,
  • access levels.

You can also use the search bar.
Location Card
Locations cards contain the following information:
  • title,
  • minimum player level,
  • entrance fee,
  • short description,
  • hashtags,
  • number of quests
  • number of subscribers,
  • number of NFTs,
  • quantity of goods and services.

Click on the card to go to the location page.

Location Page
At the top of the page you will see all the information about the location:
  • picture, logo and name;
  • description;
  • social media links;
  • hashtags of talents that you will upgrade in this location.

Click the "Join" button to unlock a location.

Some locations open only when certain conditions are met.
  • Chargeable locations. To open access, you should pay for a subscription. Make sure you have enough $FD on your balance.
  • Locations for advanced level participants. To enter such locations, you should unlock the corresponding in-game status. To do this, you need Fairy Dust. Buy or earn $FD by completing quests in starting locations.
  • Locations with access moderation. To unlock such a location, apply to join it. Location administrators will review your request and you will be notified of their decision.

If you want to participate in the location development, apply to join the team. Location administrators and moderators can edit location information, manage activity, create quests, rewards, and NFTs. Click the "Become an admin" button and your request will be sent to the location managers.
When your application is confirmed, the inscription "You are an admin" will appear instead of the "Become an admin" and "You are a member" buttons. Read more about managing locations in the "Gaming Locations. Creating and Developing" section.

After you join a location as a player or administrator, you will start receiving notifications about new quests and other location events.

Join interesting locations, complete quests, develop your skills and earn Fairy Dust.