2. Registration. Logging-in. Password Recovery
The user is introduced to the platform at the welcome page. Here, new members register, registered users enter their personal account or recover their password.

How to Sign up at the Platform

Register to start playing and making profit at the CryptoFairies platform.

1) Fill in the registration form.
  • Please enter a valid email address.
  • Create a strong password. Use lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols to enhance security.
  • Enter your password again to avoid mistakes and typos.
  • In the "Promo code" window, insert a referral link if you are registering at another player’s invitation. This is an optional field.
2) Read the Policy of personal data processing and check the box to agree to the rules.
3) Click on the "Sign up" button.

Сonfirm registration via the email that you specified. If you didn't receive a letter, check your Spam folder. Follow the link in the email and activate your account.

After confirming the registration, you will pass to the screen of your personal account in the Guest status.

How to Sign in

To log in the CryptoFairies platform, enter the email and password you used during registration in the login form. Then click the "Login" button.

If you have forgotten your password, go through the procedure of restoring your access.

How to Recover Your Password

To restore access to your personal profile at the CF platform, click on the "Recover" link.

You will go to the password recovery page. Enter the email address used for registering your account in the form. Then click the "Recovery" button. If you went to the recovery page by mistake, click the "Back" button.
Open the email you received and follow the link to change your password.
After clicking the "Change password" button, you will be returned to the password recovery page. Enter a new password and confirm it. Click the "Change password" button.
After successful password recovery, you will be redirected to your personal account at the CF platform.