1. About the Platform
CryptoFairies is a platform where users interact in a gaming format. Freelancers, bloggers and quest fans earn money and upgrade their professional skills; business finds performers, partners, and also gets additional sources of income and advertising channels.

Participants register their projects, startups or communities at the site in the form of gaming locations. Each location contains quests — tasks to be completed by the users for Fairy Dust, $FD. Players join locations of their interest and do the tasks. During the game, business and professional communities solve their problems, and users receive income.

Read the "Locations" section, and learn how to join a location, how to create and administer your own location.

Read the "Quests" section, and learn more about completing and creating quests.

Users can choose their in-game status: Guest, Star, Patronus, PRO or VIP. The higher the status of the player, the more locations and quests are available.

Learn more about game statuses in the section "Roles and Statuses."

The main task of the CryptoFairies platform is the development of all participants within a single digital environment. Business gamifies work processes, attracts an audience and qualified contractors, students and gamers learn new specialties and earn money, freelancers and bloggers gain experience, clients and increase their income.

Visit the CryptoFairies homepage, to learn more about the CF project, products and offerings.

Where to start? First steps at the CryptoFairies platform.

  1. Register at the site and enter your personal account. We have explained how to do it in the "Registration. Logging-in. Password Recovery" section.
  2. Visit the Fairy Gates game location. Read the section "Game Locations. How to Join and Start Playing" and you will know how to find and visit a location.
  3. Fill in your personal profile. You will find detailed instructions in the "Personal Profile" section.
  4. Join new locations. Find interesting projects, communities of like-minded people and colle"Personal Profile"ctions of exciting tasks.
  5. Start performing quests. Find out how to complete tasks in the section “Quests. Walkthrough."
  6. Get rewarded in $FD. Read the section “What is Fairy Dust ($FD)?” to understand what Fairy Dust is and how to use $FD tokens.
Use $FD to develop your talents and skills, as well as to generate active and passive income. Read the “How to Make Profit on the CryptoFairies Platform?” section and take the best advantages of the CF platform.