The FairyWorld ecosystem is open to different categories of participants. Everyone can find a particular value, the required tools and capabilities, as well as contribute to the development of the community and other participants.
What is
the Role System?
is the community leader. He builds teams and earns on the affiliate program
is a player, creator of AR quests,
and freelancer
franchise co-founder, investor, entrepreneur
is a specialist in the field of personal development.
He teaches the community members and makes money on it
is a companion in establishing and development of the Fairyland AR games as a joint business
Main roles in FairyWorld
Each role opens up certain possibilities. Choose a status that matches your goals, occupation and experience, or try yourself in a new role.
Read the information about each role, choose what you like, and go to the next page, where information about the selected role is disclosed in full. Also on the role pages you will find instructions for registering in the appropriate platform location.
Heroes is the most suitable role for freelancers, gamers and students
Heroes explore gaming locations, complete quests and earn Fairy Dust. As a Hero, you can create your own AR quests, earn money, develop new talents, or level up in your specialty.
Patronuses — a role for bloggers and team leaders
Patronuses perform assignments to promote FairyWorld and its partners’ products. Power of Influence helps Patronuses earn commissions from deals, as well as develop and monetize their own communities.
Master — the role chosen by active participants and leaders of business clubs
Partners invite like-minded people for joint ventures, create collaborations, collect investment pools, receive active and passive income. Pool organizers manage gaming areas and participate in business development, while partner projects get additional tools to promote through the FairyWorld platform.
Experts — instructors of educational courses and information products creators
Experts gamify their programs, participate in FairyWorld educational events and projects, as well as promote their services through the FW platform and channels.
Keepers — franchise founders and pool members
Keepers acquire NFT keys and obtain the right for a part of the franchise or buy the entire franchise. The profit from the game is distributed according to the number of keys. Keepers get a share of the income, free gaming time, and can also become founders of a company.
It's time for a choice. Find your role and step across the threshold of the FairyWorld.
What will you choose? Adventures in fairy lands, possession of keys to treasures or magical magnetism? Transform into a Hero and explore the Fairy World. Become a Keeper and open the entrance to the caves with caches of gold. Transform into a Partner or Patronus, lead your own guild and get rewards from the fairies.
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