Catch the FLARE!
Fairy Land Augmented Reality Events — Learn, Play, Win. Let's Rock Together at FLARE Events
At FLARE events, we hold seminars and workshops dedicated to AR quests development, introduce participants to the FairyWorld metaverse, and also arrange a competition for the best augmented reality quest.
Who Visits FLARE Events?
Learn the magic of creating AR quests without programming skills. Win $200 for the best work.
Schoolchildren and students
Use augmented reality as a magic wand that will help you stand out in the professional market and increase the cost of your services.
Digital specialists
Learn how to advertise your product using gaming mechanics. Apply AR technologies to grow your company. Speak to the participants and enchant the audience with the magic of your word.
Business and startups
Open the way to fabulous treasures. Investigate the infant market, promising projects and new products. Enter startups at the early stages of development and multiply your capital.
Share your wisdom, attract students to your courses. Use AR tools to educate students and promote your services.
Event Scenario
The event lasts two weeks. During this time, 3 live meetings, a series of AMA sessions and lessons are held. Participants form teams and work on their projects together. They get feedback from experts, attend online classes and conferences, and compete for the main prize.
FLARE Event Format
How Is the FLARE Event Organized?
Fill out the application form. Do not forget to specify your status — participant, expert or sponsor.
Team up with other participants, start classes and compete in developing the best AR quest.
First meeting. Check-in and introduction.
Teams learn and work in group chats with experts. Tutors conduct AMA sessions and lessons, and give advice on application development.
First week of online classes.
Mentors evaluate the team's results for the week and give further recommendations.
Second meeting. Tribune and networking.
The teams continue developing AR quests with the experts' support, attending online classes and completing the work. At the end of the week, the participants send the finished projects to the organizers. The results of the teams' work will be presented at the competition.
Second week of online classes.
Third meeting. Presentation of works and rewarding.
Come to the gaming location. Install the Fairyland app and check in to the gaming zone.
Meet the FairyWorld team, watch the presentation of the Fairyland AR game and the platform for building AR quests.
Play the Fairyland demo and test the mechanics used.
Mentors, partners and sponsors share their experience in business and IT, talk about additional educational programs, tools and products.
Participants ask questions to speakers, make useful contacts and discuss their projects with experts.
Working groups hold networking sessions: brainstorming, collective analysis of projects and ideas, joint problem solving.
Experts evaluate the work and give feedback.
Teams present their projects, participants test new AR quests.
The organizers reward participants and winners.
Participants who actively cover the event on social networks and leave feedback will get bonuses from FairyWorld.
Everyone can speak to an open microphone. Participants share their impressions and express wishes for the next events.
Key to the Metaverse
Profession of the future
Development without coding
Work in a team, learn from experienced mentors, meet the creators of the metaverses and gurus of digital specialties.
Build a career of an AR app developer and join one of the most promising areas in IT.
Learn how to create augmented reality quests without programming skills.
Become a pioneer in new digital worlds. Conquer the metaverses with a solid background of useful knowledge and skills.
What Do You Get From the Event?
Win $200 for the best AR quest developed at the event. Get gifts from the event hosts and partners.
Tell participants about your courses, educational programs and other products, meet entrepreneurs and investors, and collaborate with talented students. Advertising on social media and FairyWorld channels, as well as positive feedback from participants, will help to attract a new audience.

Watch the event presentation to find out what the mentors do and what benefits get the event experts.
Join the team of FLARE event experts
Our partners
You can choose a suitable sponsorship package or offer your own terms of cooperation. Watch the presentation of the project to learn more about the business opportunities offered by FairyWorld.
Participate in Fairy Land Augemented Reality Events as a sponsor. Event partners speak to the participants, talk about the benefits of their products and services, integrate brand advertising into AR games and quests, promote business through FairyWorld channels.

Пакет 1
Количество пакетов: 1
Нативная интеграция в AR-игру, наружная реклама
Реклама в маркетинговых материалах ивента
Реклама на сайте мероприятия
Полная нативная интеграция бренда
в мероприятия, брендирование AR-игры
Онлайн-спикерство в образовательном плане
Создание AR-квестов с использованием бренда участниками
Нативная интеграция в AR игру, AR-квест, BTL активность
Спонсорские пакеты
Пакет 1
Количество пакетов
Количество пакетов: 1
Нативная интеграция в AR-игру, наружная реклама
Реклама в маркетинговых материалах ивента
Реклама на сайте мероприятия
Создание AR-квестов с использованием бренда участниками
Нативная интеграция в AR игру, AR-квест, BTL активность
Спонсорские пакеты
Пакет 2
Количество пакетов
Нативная интеграция в AR-игру, наружная реклама
Реклама в маркетинговых материалах ивента
Реклама на сайте мероприятия
Создание AR-квестов с использованием бренда участниками
Спонсорские пакеты
Пакет 3
Количество пакетов
Нативная интеграция в AR-игру, наружная реклама
Реклама на сайте мероприятия
Спонсорские пакеты
Пакет 4
Реклама в маркетинговых материалах ивента
Количество пакетов
Expand Reality With Fairyland AR Game
Install the application, walk around the park, entertainment or tourist complex in the company of fantastic creatures. Learn interesting facts about the outward things, complete tasks and earn rewards.
FairyWorld is a platform where users interact in a gaming format. Freelancers, bloggers and puzzle lovers earn money and upgrade their professional skills; business finds performers, partners, gets additional sources of income and advertising channels.
FairyWorld Platform — No-Code Constructor for Creating AR Quests, Freelance Marketplace, Tools for Business Development and Investing.
Создавай и монетизируй сообщество
Создавай AR-квест из готовых блоков и элементов
Получай активный и пассивный доход, инвестируй и развивай стартапы.
Находи заказчиков и команду, обучайся и совершенствуй умения.
Геймифицируй бизнес, выпускай NFT и повышай продажи.
Register and change our reality on the FW demo platform
Helping to Master Digital Professions and Become In-Demand Specialists
At our courses, we provide the knowledge and practical skills required to work in IT, marketing and investment. You don't have to pay thousands of dollars and attend boring classes at the university for years. Master new directions or upgrade your skills in a few months. The first projects are already waiting for you at the FairyWorld demo platform.
Professions of the future
Помогаем освоить диджитал-профессии и стать востребованными специалистами
На наших курсах мы даём знания и практические навыки, необходимые для работы в IT, маркетинге и инвестициях. Не нужно платить тысячи долларов и годами сидеть на скучных парах в университете. Осваивай новые направления или прокачивай скиллы за несколько месяцев. Первые проекты уже ждут тебя на демоплатформе FairyWorld.
Профессии будущего
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