Become a co-owner of an AR game launched anywhere in the world and get passive income from players and advertisers.
Build a Real Business in the Fantastic Fairyland
Fairyland — Fantastic Adventures in Augmented Reality
The game can be launched in any recreation area: parks, hotel complexes, beaches, shopping and entertainment centers and others. The main ways of monetization are selling tickets to the game and advertising integration. The real territory is overlaid with 3D objects and fantastic characters. Users interact with these items and heroes.
View leaderboard
Fairyland — Fantastic Adventures in Augmented Reality
The game can be launched in any recreation area: parks, hotel complexes, beaches, shopping and entertainment centers and others. The main ways of monetization are selling tickets to the game and advertising integration. The real territory is overlaid with 3D objects and fantastic characters. Users interact with these items and heroes.
Get coins and rewards
Fairyland — Fantastic Adventures in Augmented Reality
The game can be launched in any recreation area: parks, hotel complexes, beaches, shopping and entertainment centers and others. The main ways of monetization are selling tickets to the game and advertising integration. The real territory is overlaid with 3D objects and fantastic characters. Users interact with these items and heroes.
View available quests
Fairyland — Fantastic Adventures in Augmented Reality
The game can be launched in any recreation area: parks, hotel complexes, beaches, shopping and entertainment centers and others. The main ways of monetization are selling tickets to the game and advertising integration. The real territory is overlaid with 3D objects and fantastic characters. Users interact with these items and heroes.
Explore the location map
Fairyland — Fantastic Adventures in Augmented Reality
The game can be launched in any recreation area: parks, hotel complexes, beaches, shopping and entertainment centers and others. The main ways of monetization are selling tickets to the game and advertising integration. The real territory is overlaid with 3D objects and fantastic characters. Users interact with these items and heroes.
Adventures in AR mode
Explore the location map
Push the Boundaries With the AR Game
Install the application, walk around the park, entertainment or tourist complex in the company of fantastic creatures. Learn interesting facts about the outward things, complete tasks and earn rewards.
View available quests
View leaderboard
Get coins and rewards
Adventures in AR mode
Fairyland — сказочные приключения
в дополненной реальности
Игра запускается в любой зоне отдыха: парки, гостиничные комплексы, пляжи, торгово-развлекательные центры и другие. Основные способы монетизации — продажа билетов в игру и интеграция рекламы. На реальную территорию накладываются 3D-объекты и фантастические персонажи, с которыми взаимодействуют пользователи.
Просмотр карты локации
Просмотр доступных квестов
Бродилка в режиме AR
Получение монет и наград
Просмотр рейтинга игроков
Why is it profitable to invest in AR games now?
The volume of the AR market in 2022. According to forecasts, in 2027 this figure will reach $157 billion.
The income of the AR advertising market in 2023. Estimated growth rate of the segment is 11.80%.
The value of the AR app market in 2023. The most popular direction is games.
The Forecasts for AR Games Segment
$37 billion
$4.30 billion

$11.58 billion
The market is ready
to meet Fairyland
AR technologies are popular across the audience
AR technologies are a promising business tool.
The augmented reality market is expected to grow to US$157 billion in 2027. The biggest share of the market belongs to AR applications. By 2028, the volume of AR software segment will reach $137 billion
According to forecasts, in 2023 there will be about 3.5 billion AR users. Among them, the number of mobile users of augmented reality will reach 1.73 billion. The age group of AR adherents is quite wide — from 16 to 34 years.
AR advertising revenue is expected to reach $4.30 billion in 2023. It is also forecasted that the annual revenue growth rate (CAGR 2023-2027) will be 11.80%, and by 2027 the market size will be $6.72 billion.
Numbers in users in billions
AR Software
AR Advertising
Immersive Environments
Watching movies/TV
Imaginary Env.
Fairyland gaming zones are recreational and entertainment areas where the game is launched. Fairyland can be started anywhere in the world. The plot of the game and the characters are developed for each game zone individually, taking into account the characteristics of the territory and users' mentality.
The Game That Has no Borders
Hotel complexes
Amusement and recreation parks
Shopping and entertainment malls
Interactive museums
Urban recreation areas
Townhouse village
Who Brings the Income
We come into line with partners and sites where the audience is ready to spend money on entertainment. The average bill of gaming zones visitors is $50. The cost of the game is $2 for 2 hours. The same sum is spent for a cup of coffee or 15-minutes ride on a roller coaster. As the project develops, the cost of the game may rise to $5.
Enthusiasts in personal development
Children aged over 12 years
Business and commercial facilities
18 to 35 years old players
The main interests of this user category are online communication, virtual entertainment and video games. All these elements are integrated into the Fairyland game.
Entrepreneurs pay for integrating advertising into a game, developing branded quests and characters, participating in events, as well as creating branded game prizes. The game can be adapted for the format and tasks of the business community.
Adults visiting parks are looking for new entertainment formats, love technology and puzzles. They are interested in movies and books in the genre of adventure and fantasy.
Fairyland quests help users learn interesting and useful information, gain new skills and discover their talents. The project will collaborate with personal development experts. Their products and services will be integrated into the game.
Amusement for people who want to see more than a ferris wheel and roller coaster
What problems do we solve
Fairyland Solves the Problems of All Target Audiences
Franchisees and investors
Game mechanics like in computer games, but users actively spend time outdoors.
Partners integrate native advertising into all games and gaming zones launched around the world.
Opening a Fairyland franchise gaming zone is a stable business that is easy to develop, control and scale.
Users satisfy their needs for leadership, competing for prizes and rankings.
Companies become sponsors of games and FLARE events.
Cheap and fast entry into a new market, the ability to earn income in the shortest possible time.
Quests develop logic, dexterity and erudition, help broaden horizons and develop talents.
Businesses get the opportunity to create AR quests in our games, attracting the attention of an audience that constantly joins the game.
Transparent financial flow and the ability to manage your business remotely.
Game scenarios are constantly updated.
Entire AR games are created for a separate business. Gaming mechanics correspond to the tasks of the company.
Opportunity to start a business in different cities and countries. Scaling allows you to increase revenue up to $1,000,000.
Amusement parks and recreation areas

A new exciting amusement that will increase the loyalty of regular visitors and attract new guests.
An AR game requires minimal funds and time to launch. Maintaining the game will cost much less than repairing and servicing traditional attractions.
The game displays an interactive map of the territory. The owners of recreation areas will be able to manage the traffic of visitors.
Additional income from advertising and sale of souvenirs, promotion of park commercial facilities within the game.
There are many locations
Most parks and recreation areas
in the world suitable for launching the game.
do not yet have this type of entertainment; we have a “blue ocean” in front of us.
Объекты зон отдыха и развлечений
Итого доход, год, с продажи билетов
План продаж, %
Количество продаж месяц
Стоимость игры
Посетителей объекта в год
2 000 000
3 800 000
Парк Отдыха Грузия, Тбилиси, Mtatsminda
Тематический парк OAЭ, Дубай
Парк Пратер, Австрия, Вена
1 200 000
$ 200 000
$ 380 000
7 200 000
$ 120 000
$ 1 800 000
8 333
15 833
30 000
Центр отдыха и развлечений, Индонезия. Бали. UBUNT
Посетителей объекта в год
План продаж, %
Количество продаж месяц
Стоимость игры
Посетителей объекта в год
План продаж, %
Количество продаж месяц
Стоимость игры
Итого доход, год, с продажи билетов
Итого доход, год, с продажи билетов
План продаж, %
Посетителей объекта в год
Количество продаж месяц
Стоимость игры
Итого доход, год, с продажи билетов
Estimated business revenue from AR game ticket sales
starting from the 2d year
Offer for Our Partners
100% per annum
belong to the game co-founder
50% of the company's share
from tickets purchased, advertising, souvenirs, in-game purchases belong to a franchisee
½ of all income
$200,000 per annum
estimated revenue from tickets purchased
Business with Fairyland is simple, fast, safe and profitable.
We open a separate legal entity for each franchise
The franchisee gets income from the moment the game starts.
Partners can enter the pool of investors
through which all financial transactions are carried out.
The game can be launched in 6 months.
and open a franchise on co-financing terms.
Become a member of the project and open your own Fairyland gaming zone.
Send an application and get detailed financial calculations, business plan and WhiteBook of the project.

Participate the project and open your own Fairyland gaming zone
Choose a convenient time to discuss the
details of cooperation
Online meeting
Project materials
Get One Pager, Pitchdeck,
marketing research findings and WhiteBook
Contact details
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