Have fun, get knowledge and make profit in the FairyWorld fantasy universe.

Play Fairyland —
the New-Format Amusement in Your City
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Push the Boundaries With the AR Game

Install the application, walk around the park, entertainment or tourist complex in the company of fantastic creatures. Learn interesting facts about the outward things, complete tasks and earn rewards.
Adventures in AR mode

Push the Boundaries With the AR Game

Install the application, walk around the park, entertainment or tourist complex in the company of fantastic creatures. Learn interesting facts about the outward things, complete tasks and earn rewards.
Get coins and rewards

Push the Boundaries With the AR Game

Install the application, walk around the park, entertainment or tourist complex in the company of fantastic creatures. Learn interesting facts about the outward things, complete tasks and earn rewards.
Explore the location map
Push the Boundaries With the AR Game

Install the application, walk around the park, entertainment or tourist complex in the company of fantastic creatures. Learn interesting facts about the outward things, complete tasks and earn rewards.
View available quests
Push the Boundaries With the AR Game

Install the application, walk around the park, entertainment or tourist complex in the company of fantastic creatures. Learn interesting facts about the outward things, complete tasks and earn rewards.
Explore the location map
Push the Boundaries
With the AR Game
Install the application, walk around the park, entertainment or tourist complex in the company of fantastic creatures. Learn interesting facts about the outward things, complete tasks and earn rewards.
View available quests
View leaderboard
Get coins and rewards
Adventures in AR mode
Расширяй грани реальности с AR-игрой
Установи приложение, гуляй по парку, развлекательному или туристическому комплексу в компании сказочных существ.
Узнавай интересные факты об окружающем мире,
выполняй задания и зарабатывай награды
Explore the location map
View available quests
Adventures in AR mode
Get coins and rewards
View leaderboard
Opportunities and Benefits of the AR-Game
The magic of Fairyland — grow, win, meet and earn while playing
Expand your horizons, acquire knowledge and skills
Develop your own AR games and become the creator of a new metaverse

Join the community,
find friends or build
a team
Play and get active or passive income

Exchange in-game
rewards for real prizes
Gaming AR Zone
The Game That Has
no Borders
Fairyland gaming zones are recreation and entertainment areas where an AR game is launched. Gaming zones are located in different cities and countries, and are also integrated at the FairyWorld platform in the format of gaming locations
Georgia. Tbilisi

Mtatsminda park
Gaming AR Zone
The Game That Has
no Borders
Fairyland gaming zones are recreation and entertainment areas where an AR game is launched. Gaming zones are located in different cities and countries, and are also integrated at the FairyWorld platform in the format of gaming locations
UAE. Dubai
Burj Khalifa
Gaming AR Zone
The Game That Has
no Borders

Fairyland gaming zones are recreation and entertainment areas where an AR game is launched. Gaming zones are located in different cities and countries, and are also integrated at the FairyWorld platform in the format of gaming locations
Bali Island
Gaming AR Zone
The Game That Has no Borders
Fairyland gaming zones are recreation and entertainment areas where an AR game is launched. Gaming zones are located in different cities and countries, and are also integrated at the FairyWorld platform in the format of gaming locations
Bali Island
UAE. Dubai
Burj Khalifa
Georgia. Tbilisi
Mtatsminda park
Big networking
Opening the way to the industry of the future. Participate in the events aimed at creating AR quests.
Create quests
Investigate the professions of the future
Test AR games
Master development without coding
Win prizes
FLARE events. This is the playground for acquaintances, development and exchange of knowledge
FLARE events. This is the playground for acquaintances, development and exchange of knowledge
Additional Ways of Cooperation

More opportunities
at the FairyWorld Platform
Register and change our reality at the FW demo platform
FairyWorld platform — no-code constructor for creating AR quests
Develop AR quests by yourself. You can develop a simple puzzle in 1 day, make updates in an hour. Even a schoolboy can handle it. Quests are assembled from ready-made blocks and elements.
At the site you can find customers, or vice versa, performers, as well as earn money and improve your skills.
Integrating advertising Into the FairyWorld products
Launch your own AR game
Choose your role in the magical world: Hero, Patronus, Expert, Master, Investor
Build a Fairyland franchise business, or earn passive income from game sales revenue.
Let's build partnerships and earn together
Attract and engage the audience using branded games and quests, events, special marketing projects and collaborations
Follow the platform development, be the first to know about new games and events
Platform Partners
We work with hi-tech companies

Participate the project
and open your own Fairyland gaming zone
Choose a convenient time to discuss the details of cooperation
Online meeting
Project materials
Get One Pager, Pitchdeck, marketing research findings and WhiteBook
О Fairyland
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